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5 Email Templates for Great Webinar Followup

5 email templates for followup

So, you’ve hosted a webinar to connect with your audience and develop your sales funnel – now what? The goal is to turn those webinar attendees into customers, and the best way to do that is to have a solid strategy for email follow-up. 

Here are some email templates to help you start converting those viewers into paying customers!

Choose the Right Subject Line

There is a good chance that your audience is already inundated with emails in their inbox, so choosing the right subject line is important to help you stand out in your webinar followup.

Do your best to personalize the subject line and use a direct tone of voice. This will help catch their attention and appear less like an auto-generated follow-up email.

Try something like this:

Using this type of language will show that there is a real human behind the messaging and encourage them to open up the email. Similarly, it’ll keep your messages from ending up in the spam folder! 

Addressing Webinar Attendees

Once you’ve chosen the subject line, it’s time to move on to the wording inside of the email. When you connect with people who viewed the webinar, you want to strike while your content is still relevant and fresh in their minds. 

Always send them recap materials, bonus resources, and a link to the webinar recording and clips (oh, and you can create webinar clips here in a matter of minutes). Remember to keep your emails short and to the point, though. People will simply move on to the next email if they open yours up and see paragraphs of text!

Like with the subject lines, use a direct voice and friendly tone. Thank them for attending your webinar, provide them with the resources you promised, and ask for a response.

Whether you ask for feedback, availability to answer any questions, or to set up a 1-on-1 meeting (Calendly is often used by companies here), the idea is to get them to respond and engage with your brand. 

In other words, getting this follow-up message right is essential for moving your prospects through the webinar sales funnel!

Consider using one of these three templates to boost your success rate after your event:

Template 1

Hi [NAME],

Thanks for attending our webinar yesterday – we hope that you learned something new and found it helpful!

Do you have 15 minutes this Tuesday for a quick call? I’d love to connect with you to discuss how you can implement the ideas we discussed. 

P.S. If you want to watch the webinar again, here is a recording: [LINK] 

Talk soon!

[p.s. You can use get this template, and other templates generated directly from your webinar here]

Template 2

Hi [NAME],

Hope you enjoyed the webinar yesterday.

I am reaching out to see if you’d like to chat about how to put what you learned into action. How does a quick call next week sound?

By the way, if you want to re-watch the webinar, here is the link: [LINK]

Looking forward to talking to you soon!

Template 3

Hello [NAME],

Thank you for attending our recent webinar! 

As promised, here are the follow-up materials we discussed:

If you have any questions or want to dive deeper into the topics we covered, just reply to this email, and we can schedule a 1-on-1 meeting this week.

Thanks again and see you soon!

Here, if you want to automatically pull emails relevant to your webinar, you can use Milk to generate high-converting templates here.

All you do is upload your webinar, which is automatically transcribed

Your webinar is automatically transcribed – and then simply select what you want to do with the content

And a marketing email tailored to your needs will be generated

These emails are based off of best-in-class B2B email templates so you can drive the results you need.

How Do you Reach Out to Those that Didn’t Attend?

While it might seem obvious that you need to send a follow-up email to everyone who attended, make sure that you don’t neglect those who registered but couldn’t make the event. 

They likely registered because they were interested in learning about the topics that were going to be discussed, don’t write them off just because they didn’t attend! Something could have come up in their schedule, or perhaps they simply forgot. 

Sending them a follow-up email reminds them why they were interested in connecting with you in the 1st place, and if you give them enough attention you increase your chances of eventually converting them into a customer. 

So, what should your message look like for people that didn’t show up to the webinars? 

Start by acknowledging that they didn’t attend and give them a link to a recording so they can watch it on their own time. Consider inviting them to another webinar and offer additional materials that relate to the topic of the meeting. You can even ask for a 1-on-1 meeting at a time that’s convenient for them!

Check out these templates for following up with absentees:

Template 1

Hey [NAME],

Sorry that we missed you at our webinar yesterday!

No need to worry, though – you can watch the recording anytime here: [LINK]

We’re hosting another webinar on this topic next week, on [DATE & TIME]. This time we will be covering how to [QUICKLY DISCUSS TOPIC].

Let me know if you’re interested in attending, and we will reserve you a spot!

Looking forward to connecting soon. 

Template 2

Hi [NAME],

Thanks for your interest in our webinar – we’re sorry you were unable to attend!

We know life gets busy, so here is a link to the webinar recording that you can watch at your convenience: [LINK]

We are also having another webinar next week on [DATE & TIME] – click here to RSVP. Hope to see you there!

P.S. If you have any questions about the topics discussed, shoot me an email, and we can set up a 1-on-1 meeting to discuss. 

Have a great day.

Use These Templates to Increase your Webinar ROI

Getting your follow-up strategy right will make a significant difference in your webinar ROI. Hopefully, these templates and ideas give you a place to start. It’s always easier when you can add some level of automation to the process!

Always remember to add value – so sending recaps and highlights (see an example webinar highlight below that we can generate for you today) are always great to include, too.

Audiogram webinar highlight

Video webinar highlight

With this information, you should be able to increase your webinar registrations and attendance rate. It should also allow you to drive conversations after the fact!