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How to Tag Companies on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the largest social media platform designed for professionals and companies to network, engage with each other, and share new ideas. One of the ways you can ensure a company sees your post or gets credit for something is to tag them.

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about tagging companies on LinkedIn!

Tagging: The Basics

Before we get into our step-by-step guide to tagging a company on LinkedIn, we must review the basics. For starters, what does tagging mean? 

When you tag someone on your post, you essentially hyperlink their LinkedIn profile and attach it to your content. As a result, anyone who reads your post will see the company’s name in blue – and clicking on it will automatically redirect them to that brand’s profile. 

[Read a step-by-step guide on how to tag anyone on Linkedin]

You may also be wondering, what’s the purpose of tagging a company on your LinkedIn post? 

Perhaps the most significant benefit of leveraging the platform’s tag feature is that it will improve the visibility of your content and boost your overall impressions. Simply put, it gives you access to a broader audience and ensures you connect with those that share similar interests. 

Another reason to tag someone on LinkedIn is to give them recognition or confirm that they see your content. Each time you tag a profile, they will get an email letting them know you mentioned them in your post. 

This notification will give them a chance to respond, if necessary, and receive proper credit for their quotes or ideas. 

Guide to Tagging Companies on LinkedIn

Now that you know the basics of tagging – and why doing so is necessary – we can dive into our simple guide to mentioning people and companies in your posts. 

  1. Start by Typing your Caption

The first step to tagging a company on LinkedIn is to write your caption. The tag is embedded directly here, so you can go ahead and write everything you wish to say.

  1. Use the @ Symbol to Tag the Company

When you reach the point in the text where you want to mention the brand, you must first type the ‘@’ symbol. Without adding a space, start typing the name of the company you want to link to the post. This will trigger a drop-down list of potential profiles to tag.

For instance, if you wanted to tag John Smith LLC, you would write ‘@John’ and scroll down until you find the correct company in the list. 

If you wish to tag multiple businesses, you will need to repeat this process each time. 

  1. Ensure the Company Name is in Bold

You can be sure a company is tagged when its name is bolded in your caption. 

  1. Post your Content

After you have tagged all the businesses you wish to mention, all that is left is to share your post. When you finalize the content, the @ signs will disappear, and the company’s name is shown in blue. That confirms that users can click on them to be directly redirected to their profiles.