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How Businesses Can Regularly Create Quality Video Content

Video Content

Video content is one of the most effective ways to capture your audience’s attention. It should play a major role in your marketing plan and campaign efforts, especially when it comes to social media!

However, how can you create quality video at scale without a huge budget? This guide will give you the tips you need to start creating quality video content more regularly.

Start with a Game Plan

Before you get your camera and start recording, you must start with a game plan. Although the goal is to create more video content so that you have more ways to engage with your audience, you want to make sure the posts you are sharing are high quality!

Define The Purpose of the Video

Ask yourself what the purpose of the video is. Are you trying to drive more visitors to your website? Is the video meant to raise awareness about a new product launch, or are you simply trying to educate your customers about existing products and services?

Regardless of what the goal is, make sure you have a clear picture of what action you want your viewers to take after they watch it. Defining this goal will help you avoid wasting time – and money – re-shooting, editing, or re-writing your script!

Identify Your Target Audience

Once you set the purpose of the video, you must identify the buyer persona you are targeting. This can be a customer segment, specific geographical area, or another group of people that you want to engage with.

Your target audience will determine the best place to share the video content – which we will address shortly – but it should also drive the script. Choose words that resonate with your audience and accurately represent your branding.

It should almost look like an outline for a blog post, just with images and visual ideas included!

Choose a Platform

The platform where you will share your video content is another important consideration. Will it be posted on your Facebook Page? On Instagram? Or perhaps on a specific landing page near your call-to-action?

Your video content will be most successful on the platforms that your target audience is doing. Once you build a following and start producing regular content on a social media site, it is important to be consistent to keep them engaged.

Facebook and YouTube are ideal platforms for longer videos like webinars and expert interviews. However, sites like Twitter and Instagram are much more fast-paced – so consider using repurposed clips from your longer content here!

Set a Budget and Deadline

Next, you must set a budget for your video project. Creating content doesn’t have to be expensive but take the time to do your research so you know what to expect.

Setting a budget will also help you determine your deadline. If it is a major production that has a substantial budget, you will want to allocate enough time to properly develop the video. Projects with a smaller scope may be finished faster, but the key is to have a timeline of when your content will be released.

Measure Your Success

Measuring your success is vital to developing regular video content that is of the highest quality. You don’t want to spend time and money creating hours of video content without knowing if it will resonate with your target audience!

Start small, and track metrics to see what is working and which areas need improvement. Analyzing specific metrics like view counts, play rates, shares, and comments will give you an idea of how engaging your content is. The higher the numbers, the better.

Likewise, track your click-through rate. This refers to the number of times a viewer clicks on your call to action button or another link to your website – if this value is too low, you may want to adjust your content to drive this action further.

Ways to Create More Video Content

So, now that you understand how to build your video content strategy, how can you get started? Let’s explore several ways that you can easily develop more videos.


Webinars are one of the most efficient ways to create video content. Not only does it give you a chance to interact with a live audience, but it also helps you build up a library of video content to share on your social media pages, website, and other virtual platforms.

For example, you can conduct expert interviews with leaders in your industry. Doing so can help you position your brand as an authority on a specific subject and allow you to build trust with your target audience.

Active discussions can allow you to engage with your viewers in meaningful ways. Over time, this will strengthen their loyalty to your brand and increase your following!

Case Studies & Testimonials

You can also transform case studies into informational videos. Teach your viewers how your products and services can address their pain points and solve their problems. Providing this information in a video is an easy way to show them the benefits of your brand and how to use your products.

Similarly, consider creating video clips that include customer testimonials. There is no better way to build a use case for your brand than by showcasing real examples of satisfied customers! Ask them to describe the challenges they were facing and how your products helped to solve them.

Repurpose your Existing Videos

After you host a few webinars and create video testimonials, you can regularly develop quality content by repurposing them with Milk Video.

Our tools make it easy for you to create new video clips from longer webinars or testimonials so you can repurpose them! Share these clips on social media, product landing pages, and more – the opportunities are endless, and all it takes is the click of a button.

In other words, Milk Video can help you produce a consistent stream of videos for your marketing – without requiring a lot of effort or a huge budget! Contact us today to learn more